15 Juni 2022

INternational, INgenious, INspirINg, carINg, connectINg, distINctive, sustaINable, origINal, INdispensable, INnnovative, fascINatINg Discover why industry... i...

At the Entrepreneurs‘ Reception 2022, Heiner Oberrauch, the President of Unternehmerverband Südtirol/Assoimprenditori Alto Adige, emphasised the extraordinary contribution that industrial enterprises have made even in a year marked by a thousand difficulties. The opening video explains why industry is in through images of projects realised by member companies of Assoimprenditori Alto Adige,

9 Juni 2022

Wieso es gerade in unsicheren Zeiten Mut braucht, um nach vorne zu blicken und zu investieren, erklärt uns der CEO der Alpewa, Andreas Koler, in diesem Beitrag...

26 April 2022

La crisi dei microchip è un’emergenza globale, ma ancor di più europea, visto che i big player del settore si trovano soprattutto in Asia. Nel tentativo del...
