4 Luglio 2019

Food technology represents an excellence of South Tyrol’s economy. Some facts about a sector, where quality meets innovation.

The manufacturing sector in South Tyrol accounts for a quarter of the total GDP of the province and it employs more than 50,000 people. Companies are highly innovative, export-oriented and with a highly sustainable production. In particular, within the food and beverage sector, there are many companies that stand out internationally. The half-a-million-people-province counts about […]

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24 Maggio 2019

L’Europa è ormai parte integrante della nostra vita di tutti giorni – molto più di quanto ce ne rendiamo conto. Nelle imprese altoatesine, ad esempio, lav...

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20 Maggio 2019

In der Regelung von Gesellschafterkonflikten sind Südtirols Unternehmen gut aufgestellt: Ein Gespräch mit Peter Agstner, Professor an der Freien Universität ...

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14 Aprile 2019

Innovazione nella tradizione. E’ questo il punto di forza delle imprese familiari – e quindi della grandissima parte delle imprese operanti in Alto Adige.

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